Enhance Your ECM System’s Results

See how IntegrityFirst Solutions implemented a system that improved claims processing for this large healthcare provider

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Increase productivity . . . not costs

Need to reduce the cost of managing your documents? Let IntegrityFirst implement a solution that gets results for your organization.

Grow your document management productivityWithout growing your costs

A large healthcare provider that processes thousands of claims each day for multiple states, had two distinct Datacap systems for different claims processing operations. Their goal was to upgrade their older system and consolidate all processing onto the newly-upgraded Datacap MClaims system. They selected IntegrityFirst Solutions to work within their Agile development environment to design, develop and deploy a single, integrated Datacap environment with virtually no impact on their daily claims processing operations. Through effective planning and collaboration, IntegrityFirst Solutions and the customer achieved all project goals which enabled the customer to increase the number of claims processed with the same number of people.


A newly designed system that enabled the customer to increase the number of claims processed without adding personnel.